Dare to Dream

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Having broken the world record for sailing solo around Australia earlier this year, Ian Thomson has just released his new book Dare to Dream.There are many so called motivational books on the market that are mostly aimed at how to become a mover and shaker dealing with making as much money as possible in the shortest possible time. At the other end of the scale is the head clearing/yoga/meditation type book that tells us how to achieve sublime happiness. This book sits somewhere in the middle, basically telling us that if we want to achieve things that satisfy us emotionally, then we simply have to get off our backsides and MAKE it happen, and if you have enough desire to do that, then almost anything is possible, whether it be making it in the big world of high finance, making your dreams of sporting achievements come true, or just DOING something that is truly satisfying. P/B 214 pages He shows how this can be done by making a person feel that an achievement can be something relatively simple, as long as your are content within yourself, but if you are prepared to think outside the square, push yourself and get outside the comfort zone, satisfaction and contentment is just out there waiting to be found. .

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